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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000009Liberty UnleashedCrashpublic2011-09-10 20:582013-07-10 11:44
Assigned ToVRocker 
PlatformOSWindows 7 Home PremiumOS VersionNo service packs
Product Version0.1.0.10 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000009: Crash c0000005 (Access Violation) when Alt-Tabbing
DescriptionAlt-Tabbing out of and back into Liberty Unleashed more than once will cause an access violation (error c0000005). Occurs instantaneously for some users (meaning alt-tabbing only once causes an instant crash), and only after some time for others.
Steps To Reproduce1.) Spawn in any server and hang out for a few minutes
2.) Alt-Tab out and in
3.) Repeat 1-2 until crash
Additional InformationTends to happen after playing for some time or in a crowded server.
Tends to happen when alt-tabbed for extended periods of time.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesrar file icon lu_1109_sugard-x_minimize_bug-0DOT1DOT0DOT10.rar [^] (11,155 bytes) 2011-09-11 22:54
rar file icon alttab_crash_dump_0.1.0.11.rar [^] (22,228 bytes) 2011-11-11 22:54
rar file icon Liberty Unleashed 0.1 - 10.07.2013 11.42.59.rar [^] (12,289 bytes) 2013-07-10 11:44

- Relationships

-  Notes
SugarD-x (updater)
2011-09-11 11:54

This is likely related to the crash I contacted VRocker about personally regarding this same access violation. For me it happens no matter how long LU is open, in any server, even with default scripts. I can confirm my issue in both versions and
VRocker (administrator)
2011-09-11 15:25

I had a look at a memory dump you sent me a while ago, theres a few things in the call stack. One of which is msctf.dll (Microsoft Text Services) which is strange.

Would you mind attaching a memory dump from
SugarD-x (updater)
2011-09-11 22:55

Attached the crash dump from, named as lu_1109_sugard-x_minimize_bug-0DOT1DOT0DOT10.rar
VRocker (administrator)
2011-09-12 20:51

From the memory dump you attached i traced it back to a WndProc hook that is applied. I have changed a few things with it but it requires some testing.

I may prod you soon :)
SugarD-x (updater)
2011-09-12 21:15

Understood :)
Stormeus (developer)
2011-11-11 22:55

Resurrecting from the dead; still happens in Uploaded crash dumps in alttab_crash_dump_0.1.0.11.rar
Stormeus (developer)
2013-07-10 11:43

Testers, please try to reproduce this in 0.1.1. This seems to be a non-issue nowadays.
Stormeus (developer)
2013-07-10 11:43

Still reproducible, heekzs should be adding a note with more info.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-09-10 20:58 Stormeus New Issue
2011-09-10 20:58 Stormeus Status new => assigned
2011-09-10 20:58 Stormeus Assigned To => VRocker
2011-09-11 11:54 SugarD-x Note Added: 0000008
2011-09-11 15:25 VRocker Note Added: 0000009
2011-09-11 22:54 SugarD-x File Added: lu_1109_sugard-x_minimize_bug-0DOT1DOT0DOT10.rar
2011-09-11 22:55 SugarD-x Note Added: 0000012
2011-09-12 20:51 VRocker Note Added: 0000015
2011-09-12 21:15 SugarD-x Note Added: 0000016
2011-11-11 22:54 Stormeus File Added: alttab_crash_dump_0.1.0.11.rar
2011-11-11 22:55 Stormeus Note Added: 0000034
2013-07-10 11:43 Stormeus Note Added: 0000085
2013-07-10 11:43 Stormeus Status assigned => feedback
2013-07-10 11:43 Stormeus Note Added: 0000086
2013-07-10 11:43 Stormeus Status feedback => assigned
2013-07-10 11:43 Stormeus Status assigned => confirmed
2013-07-10 11:44 Stormeus Status confirmed => assigned
2013-07-10 11:44 heekzs File Added: Liberty Unleashed 0.1 - 10.07.2013 11.42.59.rar

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