MantisBT - Liberty Unleashed
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0000091Liberty UnleashedScript Problempublic2014-08-04 07:442014-08-04 07:45
WindowsWindows 88.1 Update 1 
0000091: ProcessLineOfSight
ProcessLineOfSight always returns false.
Use the ProcessLineOfSight function in any client script.
The update changelog states that the function uses the following syntax:
ProcessLineOfSight( void )
I assume "void" means null.

However, the update changelog also states that ProcessLineOfSight returns a table with collision information. I am not getting this table on a return. It always returns false.

It should be noted that I tried four different sets of arguments with this function, including null, a Vector instance with valid coordinates, a set of coordinates same as the Vector but as three different arguments, and also leaving it blank. This all returned the same: false.

It should also be noted that I attempted the Vector arguments with one being in a clear line of sight from my camera to the Vector position, and one with a completely blocked line of sight to the same Vector position.
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Issue History
2014-08-04 07:44VortrexNew Issue
2014-08-04 07:44VortrexStatusnew => assigned
2014-08-04 07:44VortrexAssigned To => Juppi

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