MantisBT - Liberty Unleashed
View Issue Details
0000017Liberty UnleashedScript Requestpublic2011-09-27 01:022011-09-27 01:03
0000017: GUI Grid Lists
I notice there is a nice range of GUI widgets for client-side scripting. However, there is one thing that would really extend the functionality; grid lists.
For example, I want to make a GUI spawn menu, but buttons give a limited quantity of spawns you can make availible. On the other hand, a grid list can handle as many spawns as needed.
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Issue History
2011-09-27 01:02CallumNew Issue
2011-09-27 01:02CallumStatusnew => assigned
2011-09-27 01:02CallumAssigned To => Juppi
2011-09-27 01:03VRockerAssigned ToJuppi => VRocker

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